


The image is for running alex, alex is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on node:10.14-alpine


The image is for running Ansible-lint, The image is based on alpine:3.16.


The image is for running awesome-lint, awesome-lint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on alpine:3.8


The image is for running black, black is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on alpine:3.16.


The image is for running checkov, checkov is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage.


The image has for running deployer in a small container and supporting all of the default deployer recipes


The image is for running a custom application docker-update which will update a repositories description on docker hub. The image is based on python:3.7-alpine3.8


The image is for running eslint, eslint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage


The image is for running flake8, The image is based on python:3.7-alpine3.8


The image is for running go-lint. The image is based on alpine:3.10.


The image is for running hadolint, The image is based on alpine:3.16.


The image is for running haskell-hlint. The image is based on alpine:3.15.

A configfile called .hlint.yaml is required, and a default can ben generated with:

docker run --rm -ti pipelinecomponents/haskell-hlint:latest hlint -d > .hlint.yaml


The image is for running jsonlint, jsonlint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on node:10.14-alpine


The image is for running luacheck, luacheck is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. For more information on luacheck checkout there website


The image is for running markdown-spellcheck, markdown-spellcheck is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on alpine:3.8. Upstream Markdown Spellcheck


The image is for running markdownlint, markdownlint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on ruby:2.6.5-alpine3.10

More information about rules and configuration could be found here: Docs


The image is for running markdownlint-cli2, markdownlint-cli2 is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage.
The source could be find Documentation and more information about rules and configuration could be found here: Rules


The image is for running perl-critic, perl-critic is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on alpine:3.16.


The image is for running phinx, phinx is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage.


The image is for running codesniffer, codesniffer is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. Default the following packages are installed:

  • squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  • phpcompatibility/php-compatibility
  • dealerdirect/phpcodesniffer-composer-installer

The image is based on php:7.2-alpine3.8


The image is for running php-cs-fixer, php-cs-fixer is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage.


The image is for running phplinter, phplinter is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on php:7.3-alpine3.8


The image is for running security-checker, security-checker is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on php:7.2-alpine3.8


The image is for running phpunit, phpunit is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on php:8.2-alpine3.17


The image is for running pylint, pylint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The plugin pylint-gitlab is installed for easy gitlab reporting features


The image is for running safety. The image is based on python:3.7-alpine3.8. The variable SAFETY_API_KEY can be used to set if you have a paid api key.

For more information: pyup safety


The image is for running remark-lint, remark-lint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on node:10-alpine


The image is for running rubocop, rubocop is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on ruby:2.5.3-alpine3.8


The image is for running ruff, The image is currently based on python:3.11-alpine3.17


The image is for running shellcheck. The image is based on alpine:3.16.


The image is for running snyk, snyk is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on node:10.14-alpine This requires a local available docker service like dind or a shared docker socket, docker is installed in this container.


The application is installed in /app/ and base the following components

  • stylelint
  • stylelint-config-standard
  • stylelint-config-recommended-vue
  • stylelint-config-standard-scss

If you don’t have a stylelint config already, it is advised to add a config, add a file names .stylelintrc.json with the following content

  "extends": "stylelint-config-standard-scss"

Style lint is a bit problematic and a wrapper script tries to work around this. If you want to use your own stylelint config packages, set CONFIG_BASEDIR to the directory where node_modules is located


The image is for running tslint, tslint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage. The image is based on node:10.15-alpine

for more information on using tslint check their website


The image is for running xmllint, xmllint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage.


The image is for running yamllint, yamllint is installed in /app/ in case you need to customize the install before usage